Ultima actualizare 15/03/2025 20:14:42

Interactive Technologies for Performing and Media Arts

The Interactive Technologies for Performing and Media Arts Master’s Program trains students to acquire advanced knowledge in digitally controlling sound, light, image, and code for the arts. Graduates of the program may pursue careers as designers for sound, space, interaction, and nonlinear narratives. 

The curriculum is structured to develop students’ technical skills as well as conceptual understanding. Throughout the program, students explore a variety of interactive environments. Projects are based on the design and creation of sound and visual interfaces, development of interactive virtual environments, interactive installations, augmented performances and use of digital design concepts at the highest standards. 

All teaching and applied activities are done in English, providing graduates the opportunity to easily integrate into creative and research projects at an international level.

Under the guidance of the coordinating professors, the ITPMA master’s students have exhibited works in venues such as: Ars Electronica (Linz AT), Fête des Lumières (Lyon FR), Mirage Festival (Lyon FR), MNAC (Bucharest RO), Amural (Brașov RO), Spotlight (Bucharest International Light Festival), White Night of Galleries – NAG, Casa Universitarilor, Internetics, Binar, Radar.

Visit the ITPMA internal website for more details.

Înscrierea se face obligatoriu online prin accesarea platformei 2BitsEDU.
Vă puteți autentifica folosind un cont Gmail, YAHOOmail, Facebook sau Linkedin.
În cazul adreselor de email (YAHOO) pot exista probleme de compatibilitate între adresa de email și site-ul de înscriere a formularului de admitere.

Complete submissions are handed in after registration, exclusively in an online electronic format. The candidate must ensure that all required elements are present in the submission and can be accessed, otherwise they will not be admitted to the examination.

The institution will provide, only after registration on the Edubits platform, a folder on a secured online platform where the candidate can upload the required documents. Access to this folder is restricted to the institution and the candidate. The access details will be communicated over the email address used for registration.



  • Admission is open to graduates of Theatre and Film, as well as holders of art, music, design, or science and engineering degrees;
  • Candidates must have completed a specialisation with 180 ECTS credits or 240 ECTS credits;
  • On registration, candidates will submit online:
    • CV EUROPASS with photo, in PDF format according to the EU guideline: https://europa.eu/europass
    • a portfolio of works / projects relevant to the fields of Digital Media & Performing Arts (these can be live performances, installations, films, software or any other relevant content);
    • a short description, in writing (English), of a work/project in the portfolio and the creative process involved;
    • in the absence of a portfolio (points 2 and 3), candidates can submit an essay of 1500-2000 words (English) demonstrating their interests and intentions in pursuing interactive technologies;

Optionally, the candidate may provide supplemental portfolio materials in a physical format on the day of the examination. These will be handed to the secretary of the commission before the start of the examination.


Tests are graded from 1 to 10

Test 1

graded from 1 to 10

  •  Presentation of the portfolio, explaining the technical and aesthetic means used / defence of the argumentation essay.
  • Interview, based on the the mandatory text, the submitted CV and the bibliography.

Test 2

oral & practical ASSESSMENT
30 minutes preparation
20 minutes examination

Demonstration of working skills in specific software environments* chosen by the candidate, on a given theme.

*a Windows or Mac system will be provided, with Processing, Max/MSP, Pd, TouchDesigner, Unity, Blender, Ableton Live, Reaper (or other software, on request), or the candidate may bring their own configuration.


mandatory text

  • Penny, S. G. “Towards a performative aesthetics of interactivity.” Fibreculture 19. December 2011. Ubiquity. Ed Ulrik Ekman.



  • Dixon, Steve, Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2007.
  • Holmes, Thom, Electronic and Experimental Music: Technology, Music, and Culture, Routledge, New York, 2002 (revised 2020).
  • Levin, Golan & Brain, Tega, Code as Creative Medium: A Handbook for Computational Art and Design, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2021.
  • Manovich, Lev, The Language of New Media, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 2002.
  • Noble, Joshua, Programming Interactivity: A Designer’s Guide to Processing, Arduino, and Open Frameworks, O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2009 (revised 2012).
  • Phillips, Andrea, A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling, McGrawHill, New York, 2012.


  1. In case of equal averages, the candidates will be separated by taking into account the grade obtained in test 1.